We did talk about breathalyzers and how those are being installed by 2026. That will change the way you drive your vehicle in many ways. That will include eye scans, listening in your vehicle, finger-tip starting, and the breathalyzer I mentioned.
The "technology" -- as these things are styled -- was introduced, predictably, as a gentle reminder; you're driving faster than whatever the posted limits says you may. Perhaps you weren't paying attention. You are doing 60 in a 55 and so susceptible to being "pulled over" -- that is, forced to stop by the threat of murderous violence if you do not -- and then issued a "ticket," the insipid-sounding euphemism given to the extortion-demand note handed to you by the armed government worker (AGW) who "pulled you over."
Omeleto released a video in March 2021 that describes a utopian society where citizens are programmed to spy on each other ... [o]ne vignette depicts a man blowing desperately into a breathalyzer device telescoping from the steering wheel of his vehicle to start it.