Michigan City Council Axes Plate Scanners
An ordinance to allow the Michigan City Police Department to purchase license plate reader technology, including facial recognition capability, was killed Tuesday after several concerned citizens spoke against it during a public hearing.
1 min read
Austrailia: World-First Big Brother Sydney Traffic Cameras Capturing Drivers' Private Information Spark Privacy Concerns
The NSW Government's mobile phone detection cameras, heralded as "world-first" road safety technology, work by capturing wide-angled images of all passing drivers and front passengers through the windscreens of cars to check if they're using a phone while behind the wheel.
1 min read
Denver-Area Neighborhoods Are Installing License Plate Readers to Record Every Vehicle That Passes By
License plate readers posted at both entrances to an upscale Aurora neighborhood snapped pictures of passing cars Wednesday, recording the type, color and license plate number of each vehicle and inputting that information into a database.
4 min read