10Mar2022Red Light Cameras Transportation Panel Approves Theis Red-Light Camera Ban BillThe Senate Transportation and Infrastructure Comittee approved a bill to prohibit municipalities from installing red-light cameras to issue traffic citations in the state.1 min read
10Mar2022Surveillance Cellphone Dragnet Used to Find Bank Robbery Suspect Was Unconstitutional, Judge SaysA federal judge's ruling that geofence warrants violate the Fourth Amendment could slow the use of surveillance tools based on Google location data.1 min read
06Mar2022Drivers License Steve Lehto: States Still Making Millions Selling Our Personal DataStates are selling your personal information to data brokers and are making millions.1 min read
05Mar2022Drivers License Jimmy Dore: Rogan Guest Reveals Government's Digital ID Nightmare Is Real!Maajid Nawaz revealed high-level plans underway to transition from vaccine passports to digital IDs that would offer powerful institutions access to and control over nearly every aspect of our lives.1 min read
05Mar2022Drivers License Jimmy Dore: Bankers Want Control of Digital IDsIt will track you everywhere you go, there's no place to hide.1 min read
03Mar2022Surveillance Kitchen Appliance Maker Wants to Revolutionize Video SurveillanceBosch, most famous for its toasters, drills, and refrigerators, is also one of the world's leading developers of surveillance cameras.1 min read
03Mar2022Noise Cameras Cities Are Turning to Automation to Enforce Vehicle Noise OrdinancesAnother entry in the law enforcement tech field — ShotSpotter — uses mics and sensors to detect noises suspected to be gunshots and issues alerts to law enforcement officers.1 min read
03Mar2022Speed Cameras Action on Ticket Cameras Pursued in 15 StatesWhile new federal guidance authorizes states to tap billions for roadway safety programs, state lawmakers throughout the nation are pursuing rules on the use of automated ticket cameras.1 min read
03Mar2022School Bus Cameras Brevard Schools Join Pilot Program to Deter Illegal Bus Passing With AI CamerasBusPatrol cameras to be outfitted to 10 Brevard buses, district says.1 min read