Parking Lot Cameras
I Was Fined £100 for Parking in a Disabled Bay Without Showing My Badge -- But You Can SEE the Card in the Warden's Pic
A MOTORIST has raged over being slapped with a £100 for parking in a disabled bay - even though you can SEE his blue badge in the picture used as evidence.
1 min read
Big Brother
Civil Liberties Groups and Lawmakers Object to Government Agencies Buying Personal Data
The Department of Homeland Security is buying "huge volumes" of U.S. residents' cellphone data and sidestepping Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable government searches and seizures, according to data compiled by the ACLU.
1 min read
Speed Cameras
Chicago Arrests Fewer Criminals and Crime Soars
While the mayor claims scameras are needed for "safety" while her office ignores its own scamera tickets, the real deaths are because of violence and murder. But hey there is no profit in arresting real dangerous people. Only mailing bills to fill City hall coffers.
1 min read