President Biden Signs Federal Speed Camera Subsidy Bill

November 11, 2021 • 10:50

Hiding scameras in highway bill.

President Joe Biden on Monday signed into law a sprawling transportation authorization bill that includes, for the first time ever, explicit federal funding support for speed cameras. The one-paragraph provision tucked into a 1039 page bill represents a major win for photo enforcement industry, which will be the beneficiary of a share of the $2.7 billion in federal taxpayer dollars designated for highway safety programs.

Safety Lie One of camera supporters exposed “The Transportation Department’s own data show fatalities involving school children are most often caused not by motorists illegally passing buses, but by the actions of school bus drivers themselves. From 1983 to 2017, school bus drivers were responsible for 76 percent of fatal accidents involving a school bus. Nonetheless, school bus cameras have spread to 23 states.”

Safety Lie Two of camera supporters exposed “National statistics likewise show highway workers are most frequently killed while operating their own equipment.”

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