Committee Shoots Down Plan to Let Voters Decide Red Light Camera Use in Arizona
Arizona voters likely won't be deciding this fall whether to ban the use of red light and photo radar cameras after state senators on Monday rejected a plan to send the matter to the November ballot.
4 min read
Red-Light Camera Program Could Be on Way Out in Greenville
Greenville's red-light camera program was ruled unconstitutional back in March because too little of the money it generates through penalties end up with the local school system, the state Court of Appeals ruled. Now, the Greenville City Council could be set to pull the plug on the entire program.
1 min read
Red Light Camera Program Ends in Manatee County
The company will no longer process payments and all mailings have stopped. Any remaining violations that were issued previously are now null and void, and the vendor isn't answering any calls to the number listed on the back of the notices.
1 min read