19Jan2022School Bus Cameras School Bus Camera Bill Passes First Committee StopThe bill would use cameras to cite drivers who don't stop for school buses.1 min read
01Dec2021School Zone Cameras Florida School Zone Cameras Bill Clears CommitteeSB410, the bill that authorizes school zone speed cameras in Florida has cleared the committee unanimously. Make sure to contact your Representative and Senator and demand that they oppose this bill.1 min read
19Nov2021Red Light Cameras Red-Light Cameras: Safety Device or Revenue Stream?According to the state's most recent data, total crashes at intersections with red-light cameras have increased, as have injury crashes.1 min read
03Nov2021Parking Lot Cameras Sharking Lots: Private Businesses Can Now Legally Issue Parking Tickets in MiamiThough the practice was illegal in Miami, a new ordinance has legalized private ticketing.1 min read
28Oct2021School Zone Cameras New Proposal to Put Cameras in School Zones and Reduce SpeedingA new form of cracking down on speeding could be coming to schools zones across Florida. Law enforcement has a plan to keep its eyes on you.1 min read
27Oct2021School Zone Cameras School-Zone Camera Bill Introduced in FloridaAnother day another so called "safety" camera being falsely sold about safety.1 min read
14Oct2021Surveillance Cameras Lake Commission Adopts Ordinance Banning Surveillance Equipment on County PropertyThe Lake County Commission on Tuesday unanimously approved an ordinance banning surveillance equipment on county-owned property or right-of-way.1 min read
07Oct2021Red Light Cameras Florida High Court Hears Complaint Over Red Light Camera FeesJustices appeared skeptical in Florida Supreme Court hearing that explored mandating refunds for red light camera ticket convenience fees.1 min read
06Oct2021Red Light Cameras Florida Supreme Court to Hear Arguments Over Red Light Camera FeesArguments over a potential class-action lawsuit over a so-called "convenience fee" drivers can be charged by a major red-light camera company will go before the Florida Supreme Court on Tuesday.1 min read