Golden Co-Sponsors Speed Camera Bill
A state Senate bill to allow New York City to install more cameras on streets near schools to catch speeding drivers has won the support of a major holdout, state Sen. Marty Golden, who announced that he is backing the legislation following a meeting he had with transportation safety advocates.
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'Big Brother' in Coral Gables? Police Capture Data That Says a Lot About People's Lives
Batman builds a machine that sweeps up data on everyone in Gotham and it works so well at helping him find the Joker — or potentially anyone else -- that another good guy tells Batman it's "too much power for one person."
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Amazon Urged Not to Sell Facial Recognition Tool to Police
Amazon's decision to market a powerful face recognition tool to police is alarming privacy advocates, who say the tech giant’s reach could vastly accelerate a dystopian future in which camera-equipped officers can identify and track people in real time, whether they’re involved in crimes or not.
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Planning Board Wants Virginia to Study Tax Based on Miles Driven
With the rise of electric and other fuel-efficient vehicles, the state Virginia association of metropolitan planners is asking state Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine to take a look at a new way to pay for roads.
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