A manslaughter trial set to begin in Los Angeles for a fatal crash caused by a Tesla operating on Autopilot presents a first-of-its kind test for the legal responsibility of a human driver in a car that was partly driving itself, legal experts say.
Greenville's red-light camera program was ruled unconstitutional back in March because too little of the money it generates through penalties end up with the local school system, the state Court of Appeals ruled. Now, the Greenville City Council could be set to pull the plug on the entire program.
Years later thousands have awakened to ODOT's intention: charging tolls on existing highways, and placing the money in a slush fund for whatever the department wishes. The tolls would increase during heavy traffic times, forcing weary drivers onto local roads.
The company will no longer process payments and all mailings have stopped. Any remaining violations that were issued previously are now null and void, and the vendor isn't answering any calls to the number listed on the back of the notices.
FMCSA is considering a regulation to require every commercial motor vehicle (CMV) to be equipped with electronic identification (ID) technology capable of wirelessly transmitting a unique ID number, along with other information, to Federal or State motor carrier safety enforcement personnel. CVSA petitioned the agency for this rulemaking, claiming it would improve the efficiency of their enforcement.
We did talk about breathalyzers and how those are being installed by 2026. That will change the way you drive your vehicle in many ways. That will include eye scans, listening in your vehicle, finger-tip starting, and the breathalyzer I mentioned.