Louisiana Senate approves double fines, camera use on Atchafalaya Basin Bridge

May 5, 2022 • 11:23

LA senate pushes dubious speed cameras on I-10 bridge while own state data shows rear ending and distracting driving the real issue.

Senate lawmakers voted unanimously to advance to the House a bill that would designate the 18-mile span as a highway safety corridor.

Distinction as a highway safety corridor would authorize double fines for speeding. Offenders would first be issued warnings before they are issued a $350 citation for a third offense. Subsequent offenses would result in $1,000 fines.

Note the excuse by the senator sounds like a camera vendor lobbyist wrote it. It really does:

“Anybody who travels across the Atchafalaya Basin knows it has become really, really a major safety hazard. This bill sets up parameters to make sure there are cameras in place,” Sen. Fred Mills, R-Parks, told senators prior to the floor vote.

Read the full article at Land Line


Crash data shows hundreds of wrecks on notoriously deadly and dangerous stretch of I-10:

DOTD released the data in a new video posted on its Facebook page this week. The video is a stern message to distracted drivers who have been blamed for rear-end collisions that have left children dead, fiery messes and hours-long closures of the interstate.